Thank you for seeking information about starting an online business. The information you are trying to access is probably freely available on our website. You will just have to dig for it.
If you’re seeking something a bit more structured, this course might suit you better. It’s not a template course. (ie: one size fits all) It’s highly customisable and is slightly modified for each applicant.
The course itself is completely free, however it has an application process and the number of places are strictly limited.
If your prepared to commit to roughly ten times more effort than you’re expecting. Willing to commit to the equivalent of a part-time job of at least 10 hours per week. One where you won’t get paid for the next few years. This is your ticket to freedom. No pain, no gain.
Sheesh… that all sounds really bad, I hear you say.
Well… I don’t want to sugar coat it, but it can be a lot of fun and very rewarding as well. However, the rewards will always be proportional to the amount of effort you put it.
Fill in the application form below and good luck with your learning.